Deals from Our Sponsors

Promotional Deals & Events Hosted in Conjunction with Our 2019 Sponsors


Blank Label is a custom menswear company with a simple goal- to make well-fitting custom clothing the new standard. From suits to dress shirts, chinos and outerwear, Blank Label provides personal fit wrapped in a high touch service experience. We are located in the heart of D.C. Book online to schedule an appointment with an expert Menswear Specialist and get started on your personal fit. All University Row ticket holders will be eligible for one free shirt, a $100 value!

What is solidcore? Think, Pilates—intensified.

The best way to learn is to jump right in and take a class! You will get personalized attention during your workout since classes are no more than 14 people. You will need to arrive at least 15 minutes before class. During this time you will receive the required machine intro, safety information, and exercise demos from your coach. During class, your coach will give both verbal instructions and hands-on assistance. They will also provide options to modify or amplify each exercise. Be ready to sweat, shake and come back wanting more.

Take advantage of their new client special – 2-class-pack for $39!

Volo City

Games Provider for the 20th University Row!

We loved seeing you this year at the Virginia Gold Cup’s University Row!  Use the code “UROW2018” to save $5 on one of our upcoming leagues.

Social Posting before, during, and after the Row

Don’t forget to interact with us on Facebook and on Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Twitter @universityrow using hash tags #URow20 and #VAGoldCup2018!